2016년 12월 18일 일요일

[WIRTING TASK 2]#04 Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution.

The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population, This is causing problems not only for poor, undeveloped countries, but also for industrialised and developing nations.
Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution.
  • You should write at least 250 words.
  • You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
In most countries of the world the population is increasing alarmingly.
This is especially true in poor, undeveloped countries.
Overpopulation causes a considerable number of problems.
In poor countries it is difficult to provide enough food to feed even the present number of people.
In addition, education to limit the number of children per family is not always successful.
Poorer countries usually have a lot of unemployment too, and an increase in populations simply makes the situation worse. The environment also suffers when there are too many people living on the land.
In rich, industrialised and developing countries it is very difficult for governments to provide effective public services in overcrowded cities.
Moreover, there is usually a great deal more crime, which is often due to high rates of unemployment.
Further large increases in population only cause more overcrowing, unemployment and crime.
There are two main solutions to the overpopulation problem.
Firstly, every woman who is pregnant, but who does not want to give birth, should be allowed by law to have an abortion.
Secondly, governments must educate people to limit the size of the family.
In China, couples are penalised financially if they have more than one child.
This may seem cruel, but the "one-child policy" is beginning to have an effect in the world's most pupulous nation.
Eventually, similar policies might also be necessary in other crowded nations such as India, for example.
To sum up, if the population explosion continues, many more people will die of starvation in poor countries, and life in the cities, even in affluent nations, will become increasingly difficult.

2016년 12월 15일 목요일

[WRITING TASK 2]#03 Discuss the causes and some effects of widespread drug use by young people in modern day society

People in all modern societies use drugs, but today's youth are expertimenting with both legal and illegal drugs, and at an increasingly early age. Some sociologists claim that parents and other members of society often set a bad example.
Discuss the causes and some effects of widespread drug use by young people in modern day society. Make any recommendations you feel are necessary to help fight youth drug abuse.
  • You should write at least 250 words.
  • You should spend about 40 minutes on this task
Youth drug abuse is a serious problem nowadays in many cultures. Not only is illegal drug use on the rise, but children as young as 10 years old are experimenting with alcohol and tobacco. The reasons for this behaviour are unclear, but certain sociologists blame the examples set by their elders.

Parents who drink and smoke to excess are, in effect, telling their children that it is acceptable to abuse their bodies with drugs. Consequently, children may have a similar view towards illegal drugs, even if their parents are against their use. In addition, drug use shown on television and in films can only confuse children who are also taught at school that drug abuse is wrong.

The pressure on young people to perform well at school in order to compete for jobs is a possible cause of the problem. Many believe they cannot live up to their parents' expectations, and feel a sense of hopelessness. Also, the widespread availability of drugs means teenagers are faced with the temptation to experiment. Drugs are used as a means of expressing dissatisfaction with the pressures they face in society.

The effects of drug abuse are well known. Many young people's talents are wasted, and addiction to hard drugs can cost a user his or her life. Furthermore, those who drink and drive may be involved in fatal road accidents. The cost to society is great, and enormous amounts of money are spent on convicting drug dealers and on education programmes.

To conclude, I recommend that the only sensible way to solve this problem is to educate young people about the dangers of drug use, and to take steps to reduce the pressure of competition placed upon them.

[WRITING TASK 2]#02 nuclear technology a danger to life on earth?

We have been living in the nuelear age now for over half a century. Since the first atomic bombs were developed, nuclear technology has provided governments with the ability to totally destroy the planet. Yet the technology has been put to positive use as an energy source and in certain areas of medicine.
To what extent is nuclear technology a danger to life on Earth? What are the benefits and risks associated with its use?
  • You should write at least 250 words.
  • You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
These days, many people are afraid of nuclear technology because of the dangers associated with its use.
In my opinion, although it is true that neclear weapons pose the greatest threat to life, the use of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes also carries some serious risks.
Nuclear power atations provide an important source of cheap power for many industrialised nations and some developing countries.
However, there is always the gander of radiation leaking from these plants.
Even though safety precautions are taken, there have been numerous disasters such as the explosion of a nuclear plant in Russia not long ago.
Nuclear technology is even used to help cure some diseases such as cancer.
Radiation can be applied to the body to burn away cancerous cells. 
This is, however, a dangerous procedure, and the application of radiation is almost always painful and not always successful.
The most worrying aspect of nuclear technology, though, is its use for military purposes.
Enough atomic boombs have already been built to completely destroy the planet, and the real danger is that one day some country will start a war with these weapons.
Too many countries now have the technology required to make such boombs, and there is currently much debate about how to control the situation.
In conclusion, nuclear technology certainly has positive uses, but is, nonetheless, dangerous.
However, it would have been better if it had never been used to create nuclear weapons.
If life on Earth is to continue.

[WRITING TASK 2]#01 Leisure time for activities

Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles.
Other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time.
  • You should write at least 250 words.
  • You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
It is genrally accepted that we all need leisure time to recover from the stresses of work and everyday life.
Personally, I prefer to be active during this time, as I think this suits me better.
Hoewever, what we do with our lesuire time is up to us and on one can say that any particular activity is the best.
Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet.
People who have physically demanding jobs may choose these types of activities.
If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that you don't want to do a five-kilometre run after work, because you are already physically tired.
Other people do very sedentary jobs.
Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen.
At the end of the working day, they may be keen to strech their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the gym.
Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is where we work.
People who work indoors often prefer outdoor hobbies, whereas for people who work outdoors, the reverse may be true.
I am a student myself and this involves a lot of sitting in lectures, so I need to get out into the fresh aire afterwards.
In any situation, the important thing is that people need to stay healthy by choosing what is best for them.
The only wrong way to spend free time, in my view, is to have a sedentary job and then go home and watch television.


IELTS Writing Test lasts for 60 minutes, and you will need to complete two writing tasks, each of which requires different text types (description, report, discussion, argument, opinion text).

IELTS Writing Task 1
In the first part, you are given a task based on some graphic or pictorial information. You are expected to write a descriptive report of at least 150 words on the information provided.

IELTS Writing Task 2
The second task is more demanding. You are expected to produce a written argument on a given topic and to organise your answer clearly, given some examples to support your points. You will have to write at least 250 words and, as Task 2 is longer than Task 1, you are advised to spend approximately 40 minutes on this task and 20 minutes on the first task.

IELTS General Writing
If you are planning to take the GT module, the Writing test is different. You are allowed one hour to complete two tasks, of 150 and 250 words, as in the Academic module. However, Task 1 is always a letter, while Task 2 is an essay based on a given topic.

The Writing Task 1 of the IELTS Academic test requires you to write a summary of at least 150 words in response to a particular graph (bar, line or pie graph), table, chart, or process (how something works, how something is done). This task tests your ability to select and report the main features, to describe and compare data, identify significance and trends in factual information, or describe a process.

The Writing Task 2 of the IELTS test requires you to write at least 250 words. You will be presented with a topic and will be tested on your ability to respond by giving and justifying an opinion, discussing the topic, summarizing details, outlining problems, identifying possible solutions and supporting what you write with reasons, arguments and relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Graduate Dgree Programs in Forestry

University of British Columbia

Master of Applied Science in Forestry (MASc)

Quick Facts
Master of Applied Science
Agriculture and Forestry
Mode of delivery
On campus
Program Components
Coursework + Thesis required
Faculty of Forestry
UBC Forestry offers a research (thesis) -based Master's program within a Science (MSc) or an Applied Science (MASc) credential. Thesis Master's students receive training in research techniques, and also make contributions in their own right to the body of knowledge. The type of work undertaken by an MSc or MASc student tends to be focused, looking at a specific problem, and is generally completed within 2-3 years.
Students with a background in Engineering (e.g. Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc) or higher degree in engineering) will receive the MASc degree whereas students with a background in science, applied science, agricultural sciences, social science or forestry will receive the MSc.

FeesCanadian Citizen / Permanent Resident / Refugee / DiplomatInternational
Application Fee$100.00$162.00
Tuition *
Installments per year33
Tuition per installment$1,569.22$2,756.86
Tuition per year$4,707.66$8,270.58
Int. Tuition Award (ITA) per year (if eligible) $3,200.00 (-)
Other Fees and Costs
Student Fees (yearly)$857.00 (approx.)
Costs of living (yearly)starting at $13,561.00 (check cost calculator)

Completion Rates & Times
This program has a graduation rate of 100% based on 6 students admitted between 2006 - 2009. Based on 7 graduations between 2012 - 2015 the minimum time to completion is 1.99 years and the maximum time is 3.32 years with an average of 2.52 years of study. All calculations exclude leave times.

Master of Forestry (MF)

Master of Science in Forestry (MSc)

Master of Sustainable Forest Management (MSFM)

Quick Facts
Master of Sustainable Forest Management
Agriculture and Forestry
Mode of delivery
On campus
Registration options
Program Components
Coursework only
Faculty of Forestry
The Master of Sustainable Forest Management (MSFM) is a 9-month, course-based master’s program that prepares students for careers as forestry professionals and sets the stage for life-long learning. The program begins in August and consists of field-work experience as well as course work, with students completing graduation requirements the following April. Students in the MSFM program come from various backgrounds with bachelor degrees in ecology, physical geography, environmental sciences, forestry or allied disciplines.
The MSFM provides advanced study in natural resource stewardship. Program components include: tree and stand dynamics, forest to landscape: structure and function, forest management, economics and administration of forestry, leadership skills, communication and critical reasoning, information acquisition and analysis, professionalism and ethics.

FeesCanadian Citizen / Permanent Resident / Refugee / DiplomatInternational
Application Fee$100.00$162.00
Tuition *
Installments per year33
Tuition per installment$5,863.17$9,637.00
Program Fee$17,589.51$28,911.00
Int. Tuition Award (ITA) per year (if eligible) Not applicable
Other Fees and Costs
Student Fees (yearly)$857.00 (approx.)
Costs of living (yearly)starting at $13,561.00 (check cost calculator)

Career Options

With real world experience and hands-on projects, graduates of the MSFM program are well positioned for employment. After graduation, you will know how to design and implement site and landscape level plans that integrate the environmental, social and economic components of sustainability. Graduates are now employed in both the public and private sector, primarily in Western Canada. Read about recent graduates who have gained employment directly after finishing the program; some students received offers before the end of the program.

Master of International Forestry (MIF)

이상, 이하, 초과, 미만

[이상, 이하, 초과, 미만]

1. 이상, 이하 (해당 숫자 포함)
2. 초과, 미만 (해당 숫자 미포함)

1. 숫자 + 이상 (해당 숫자 포함, 그 이상 수)
 숫자 + or/and above
 숫자 + or/and over
 숫자 + or more
 not less than + 숫자
 equal to or greather than + 숫자
 '숫자 이나 그 보다 많이', '숫자 과 그 보다 많이'

2. 숫자 + 초과 (해당 숫자 미포함, 그 이상 수)
 above + 숫자
 over + 숫자
 more than + 숫자
 exceeding + 숫자
 in excess of + 숫자
 greater than + 숫자

3. 숫자 + 이하 (해당 숫자 포함, 그 이하 수)
 숫자 + or/and under
 숫자 + or/and below
 숫자 + or less
 not more than + 숫자
 not exceeding + 숫자
 equal to or less than + 숫자
 '숫자 이나 그 보다 적게', '숫자 과 그 보다 적게'

4. 숫자 + 미만 (해당 숫자 미포함, 그 이하 수)
 under + 숫자
 below + 숫자
 less than + 숫자
 in short of + 숫자

2016년 12월 13일 화요일

Request for notification of the Delegated Powers of the Engineer

To: The Engineer

Dear Sir

Request for notification of the Delegated Powers of the Engineer

With reference to Clause 2.2 of the Donditions we note that we have yet to receive written notice of the powers delegated to your Represetative.

You will be aware that to permit the efficient administration of the Contract both the Employer and ourselves require written notice of such delegated powers as soon as possible as required by Clause 2.3 of the Conditions.

In the meantime we are contractually unable to accept instructions from your Representative other than those in respect of supervision, testing and examination of materials and workmanship incorporated into the works and the present situation may / will disrupt the progress of the works.

Your faithfully
Contractor Ltd

Agreement or Objection to assignment by the Employer

To: The Employer

Dear Sir

Contractors Agreement / Objection to the Assignment of the Conract by the Employer

We refer to the request in your letter dated .........(/recent intimation) to us whereby you confirmed your wish to assign your contractual rights to ........... pursuant to Clause 1.1 (a) of the Conditions.

We are pleased to confirm our agreement to this request subject to satisfactory assurances that .......... are fully aware of their current and future liabilities to us under the Contract Agreement.

(Alternatively - We regret that we are unable to agree to your request and would suggest that we meet urgently to discuss this matter further.)

Yours faithfully

Contractor Ltd