2017년 12월 30일 토요일

이메일 작성시 주요 표현

■ 첨부파일 확인 바랍니다.
-The file (you requested) is attached
-Please find the attached file (we talked about yesterday)
-I have attached the images / document / files (below).
-Please see / check the attached file (document).
-Please find the attached document we talked about yesterday.
-I am attaching the requested file.

■ 자료를 요청드립니다.
-It would be greatly appreciated if you could ~
-It would be helpful if you could send us samples which show
    your range of suitable coverings

-We would appreciate it if you could provide us with the draft file

■ 회신을 기다리겠습니다.
-I look forward to hearing from you soon
-I look forward to receiving your reply.
-I’m looking forward to your reply.

■ 불만제기하기
-I am afraid we have a small problem
-I’m writing to complain about the quality of your product
-My concern is that the timeline is too tight.
-I don’t think it is a good idea to change the schedule.

■ 질문사항 / 궁금점이 있으면 알려주세요
-  If you have any questions, (please) let me know.
-  Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions
-  If you have any questions, ( please ) feel free to e-mail me.

■ 사과하기

-I apologize for the inconvenience we have caused you.
-We understand how frastrating  it can be.
-I am sorry if I offended you. Please accetpt my apologies.

■ 문제제기에 대한 적절한 대답 (해결중이다)

-We are looking into the problem (사소한 문제)
-   We are investigating~(조사 범위가 클때)

■ 정중하게 거절하기
-We regret to inform you that your proposal does not meet
    our requirements.
-  We are afraid that hiring you at this time is not possible.
-  Unfortunately, your proposal is not acceptable for the
    project this time.
 - I’m sorry, but I can’t release that information.

■ 해명하기 (어쩔 수가 없었어요)
 - We have been forced to ~
 - Due to unexpected circumstances,~
 - In spite of our best efforts, ~
 - We will have no choice but to ~
 - It’s company policy ~

■ 설득하기, 반박하기
-I think  / I don’t think…
-I suggest you not to ~
-I didn’t mean to offend you.
-It’s a bit too much. (과하시네요)

2017년 8월 26일 토요일

OPIC 20. 나의 신분증 발급 에피소드 와 사용처 설명

I was a high school student when I got my first ID card.

It was a national ID card which proves that you are now a grownup.

The national ID card means that you can watch any kind of movie at the theater, including movies that require you to be at least 18 years of age.

But it takes a couple more years to be able to drink alcohol or to go clubbing.

It also takes another year to vote.

When I got mt first ID card, I just felt weird.

I didnt feel like  I was grownup yet.

In constrast, I remember some of my friends were very excited and threw parties to celebrate.

These days, I always carry at least one form of ID.

I usually carry my driver's license as I often drive my car. Personally, I like the moment when I take out my passport at the airport.

I feel like I am an important person whenever I get on an airplane.

OPIC 19. 나의 건강 관리법 소개

I am not really an active person, so I dont enjoy sports that much.

But I take a walk for 30 minutes every day.

I believe that is a good way to maintain my health.

I also try to drink less coffee and drink fresh juice instead.

I am quite strict with my weight. I don't snack very much or eat fast food.

I prefer to have homemade meals with lots of vegetables.

I love to cook, and I create my own recipes to make the dishes healthier.

To improve my emotional health, I like to catch up with my close friends to share my thoughts and feelings, especially during tough times.

I always try to let go of my sorrows and to hope for a better future.

This way, I am able to manage my life so that it feels brighter and more fun.

Listening to a good piece of music or watching a nice movie is also a great way to lift up my heart.

OPIC 18. 내주변 가장 건강한 사람 소개 와 이유 설명

The healthiest person around me is probably my mother.

She is in her late 50s, but she is still very athletic and in perfect shape.

I admire her since I know how hard it is to maintain your figure.

I am in my late 20s and go to the gym on a regular basis, but I dont think I can beat my mom when it comes to exercising.

She hikes 1 to 2 times a week and goes swimming whenever she has free time.

She also avoids eating junk food and sweets.

In addition, she is pretty strict when she cooks.

She cuts off most of the fat from meat and always adds a lot of vegetables to her meals.

Thanks to her efforts, none of my family members is overweight.

Plus, we all enjoy sports and sleep enough to reduce our stress.

OPIC 17. 해외 여행을 좋아하는 이유 고려할 점 설명

I think people travel overseas because they want to experience different lifestyles and cultures.

In my case, I love to travel to other countries because I can meet new people and broaden my horizons.

Whenever I meet nice people while I travel, I exchange email adress and keep in touch with them.

Also, I love to taste local food and enjoy the exotic view of other cities.

I prefer to visit countries that use English since I can the communicate with people.

Some of the coutries I've visited are the US, the UK, and Canada.

When I visit other countires, I also consider the weather and safety.

I guess these are some of the things people consider when they travel abroad.

OPIC 16. 국내 출장 이야기 및 어려움 설명하기

I go on domestic business trip every quarter.

My company has branch offices in 16 other cities, and the regular conference is held in different regions each quarter.

I always attend the conference on behalf of my team.

I make presentations on the outcome of our marketing strategies and sales record.

Going on a business trip requires a lot of work in addition to my office work, so it's tiring.

I often stay at the office all night to finish my work when I have an upcoming business trip.

However, attending the conference is a great way to develop my business skills. I learn a lot about the market and come up with fresh ideas.

Whenever the trip is over, I always realize that there's no gain without pain.

OPIC 15. 조깅할때 부상 방지 하는 방법 설명하기

I think the most important thing you should keep in mind is to choose the right shoes.

If you dont wear the right shoes, you are more prone to injuries like sprained ankles.

You will also have sore feet.

In addition, it's always important to do enough warm up exercises before jogging.

Otherwise, you will feel muscle pain all over your body. I always stretch for about 10 to 15 minutes before I jog.

This way, you can relax your muscles and prepare your body to jog.

I also take a bottle of water when I jog.

It is important to drink enough water while you exercise.

This is especially important on sunny days since you might sweat a lot, so it's good to bring something to drink.

Finally, if you are sensitive to sunlight, I recommend that you apply enough sunscreen products on your face and wear either sun glasses or a cap.

That way, you will be able to avoid getting a sunburn and developing freckles.

OPIC 14. 좋아하는 배우를 만났을때 어떨지 설명하기

It would be amazing to meet my favorite movie star in person.

If I had to choose, I would definitely say Brad Pitt.

I am sure you know who he is.

He is a famous Hollywood star and is married to another hot celebrity, Andelina Jolie.

They are an awesome couple. If I got to meet Brad Pitt, I would ask how he is able to manage both his career and his family successfully.

I mean, he has had such a long career, and he still has a very nice image.

Not many movie stars are able to maitain their fame for so long.

Also, he has a bunch of kids-both adopted and biological-with Angelina Jolie.

Being a good father must be very challenging as well as being a good actor.

I'd want to know if he has his own philosophy on how to be a good father.

Plus, I'm very curious to know if he wants to be in any Korean movies in the future.

I wonder if he knows any Korean actress.

Well, I guess these are a few things I would ask if I got to meet Brad Pitt.

OPIC 13. 주택시장 문제점 이야기하기

Well, if I were to name a problem in korea's housing market, it would be the population problem.

People in this country are aging.

There are fewer people getting married these days, and many couples dont want to have babies.

As a result, there are many new apartment buildings despite the fact that the population is not growing.

Although the price of housing is descreasing sharply, people my age till have a hard time finding places to live.

Most of my recently married friends have that problem.

They cant buy a house, or the monthly rent is so high that they cant save enough money.

Overall, I think Korea's problem of an aging society is tsrongly related to its housing problem.

OPIC 12. 도구 기술이 음악에 미치는 영향 비교

There have been a lot of changes in the ways we use gadgets to listen to music.

I remember that the DC player was a very popular device to listen to music in the 90s.
Also, a small cassette player called the Walkman was loved by people of all ages.

These days, gadgets have become much smaller and much more fuctional.
Many people carry their smartphones to listen to music.
Most of the smartphones are only the size of your palm, so they are very light.
With a smartphone, you can also access the Internet, watch movies, chat for free on kakaotalk, and do much more.
Advanced technology has even simplified the composing process.
A close friend of mine is a composer, and he uses his iPad to make music.
He says that it has become a lot easier to write music because the device has all kinds of different unstrumental sounds.

Overall, I think current technology has brought many changes in the way people play and listen to music.