2017년 8월 26일 토요일

OPIC 06. Situation Solving @ Can't Promise

Hi, Jay.
This is Joonsik.
I'm leaving a message since you are not picking up the phone.

I know we are supposed to sign up for the slim fitness center tonight.
I'm really sorry, Jay, but can I take a rain check?
I have a friend visiting Seoul this week, and she's arriving this evening.
She needs someone to pick her up at the airport and guide her to the hotel.
She's here to sightsee and knows no one else but me.
I thought her arrival time was late at night, but I just found out it is actually 6 pm.
I am sorry again.

I will be free on Thursday anytime after work, so please let me know if you are available.
Talk to you soon. Bye.

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