2017년 1월 9일 월요일

Lesson 1~2 Read A Text Aloud

Have you always dreamed of playing an instrument? /If so, now is your chance!// We offser a wide

range of lessons in various instruments/ including the piano,/ flute,/ guitar,/ and violin/ at Sarah

Walton Music School.// In addition,/ if you sign up this week, /you will receive the first week of

lessons free!// Fore more information,/ call us at 555-2817 /or visit us online/ at www.sarahmusic.com.

Summer is upon us,/ and you deserve a vacation!// The Southern Travel Agency /has seven

convenient locations/ in Lands County. //We promise to find the most affordable flights, hotels, and

tour packages/ for tour next vacation,/ regardless of your destination. //Just think: /in minutes, /you can be one

step closer to your ideal vacation/ by calling 581-1110 today!

Warwick Business School /has just opended in San Antonio City.// We're offering full-time

degree programs in management, finance, accounting and more.// In addition,/ we have

a variety of night/ and weekend options/ for part-time students.// If you live far away/ or

can't make it to class,/ we also have online courses;/ browse our website/ at

www.warwickbusiness.com.// So,/ whether you are preparing to start a career/ or would

like to advance in your current profession,/ Warwick Business School is the right choice.//

Call us toll-free/ at 1-900-WAR-WICK.

Welcome to this year's Hospital Charity Ball. //First of all,/ I'd like to express our appreciation

to everyone here.// We hope that you will enjoy this memorable time with us.//

Before we enjoy our dinner,/ I'd like to introduce the person/ who made this event possible,/ Ms. Debbie Johnson.//

As you know,/ Ms. Johnson has served as the head of our fund-raising committee/ for two years.//

Her creative thinking, hard work and commitment/ make her an asset to our organization/ and community.

On tonight's program, /we will focus on nutritional eating.// Many people are concerned about

health/ and diet these days,/ so in a moment,/ we'll get advice from an expert /on how to make

the right food choices.// Before we talk with the expert,/ we will address some questions/ and

concerns/ with our listeners.// Generally speaking,/ nutritionists advise us to consume more

whole grains, fruits, and vegerables.// it's also important /to have some fat in our diet,/ but the

amount should be limited.

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