2017년 1월 9일 월요일

Lesson 12~13 Propose a Solution

[Propose a Solution - Advice]

How to Listen

문제의 발단 / 문제점 / 요청 - 해결책

How to answer


Example Answer

Hi Mr. Stevens.

This is Doug Johnson, the district manager.

I was actually happy to hear your message because we have the completely opposite problem in the Timwood branch.

It seems that there's high demand for small cars in your area, but you don't have enough of them.

I just contacted the manager of the Timwood branch, and he'd be happy to work with you in switching some cars to meet the demands in both of the branches.

His name is Aron Tucker, so why don't you call him and arrange a time to send drivers to each other's branches.

His phone number is 204-533-9867.

If you need further assistance, please feel free to call me, I'd be happy to help you. Good Luck!

Actual Test I

Hi Kelly. This is Jeff returning your call.

I heard that you installed wireless internet service at your cafe, and it's great except some customers are just using the free internet.

So you'd like to know how to handle this problem.

Since I've had a similar problem before, I'd be glad to help you with that.

First of all, why don't you start the password system?

You can print the password on the receipts, so only the paying customers can use the internet.

Another solution is to limit the hours of the internet usage.

This way, it's fair to everyone, and you can avoid free riders.

Hope everything works out for you.

I'd be glad to help if you need anything. Good Luck!

Actual Test II

Hi Mr. Collins. This is Lily Burren calling from Palace Hotel.

I understand that you had breakfast at the breakfast room this morning and accidently took Mr. McQueen's jacket instead of yours.

I'm assuming Mr. McQueen has not noticed this yet, because we have not heard from him.

I checked our reservation list, and fortunately Mr. McQueen is staying at the hotel for tonight also.

If you could bring the jacket ro the front desk when you get back to the hotel, we'd appreciate it.

Meanwhile, I'll call Mr. McQueen to let him know about the situation and ask him to bring your jacket to the front desk also.

I will call you when your jacket is returned to the desk and bring it up to your room.

Don't worry, we will take care of this.

Please feel free to call us if you have further questions. Thank you.

[Propose a Solution - Review]

Review I Answer

Hello Mr. Schmitt. This is Lora Hauer, the manager of the building.

First of all, I apologize for the inconvenience we have caused you.

The parking lot renovation had been planned for several months, so you should have been informed.

I think the realtor forgot about the whole thing, since you didn't hear about the alternatives either.

During the renovation, you can use the Sears building parking lot across the street from us.

We made a deal with them, so you can get a 20 percent discount on your monthly parking fees.

If your employees decide to use public transportation, there's a bus stop right in front our building, so that isn't a problem.

I don't recommend the subway because the station is three blocks away.

Again, I'm sorry about the confustion, and if you have further questions, please feel free to call me anytime.

Have a great day!

Review II Answer

Hello Mr.Sanders. This is Phillip Lim calling from the front desk.

I heard that your suitcase was broken on the way here and your jacket was torn.

You need to get it fixed for your meeting tomorrow.

We do have a laundry service in the hotel downstairs.

I think we need to take the jacket there to see if it can be fixed by tomorrow.

If the tear is too big and hard to fix, you can visit Tyler's, an outlet store a few blocks away from here.

They sell quite nice clothes at a reasonable price.

The first thing we should do is to have them take a look at your jacket, so I'll send someone to your room to pick up your jacket.

Please call again when you get this message, then I'll send someone right away to pick up your jacket.

Thank you.

Review III Answer

Hi, Vivien, I got your message about ordering the silk we need.

It seems that our regular shop, World Fabrics, is out of the silk currently, and we don't have enough time to wait.

The last few days before the fashion show will be very hectic, so we want to finish making all of the dresses before then.

So I guess we have no choice but to order from Best Fabrics.

We've ordered from them before, so I know that they have high-quality silk.

But call them again to see if they can give us a discount, since we will be ordering a lot of silk.

If it still goes over the budget, don't worry, I'll take are of it.

It's more important to be ready for the fashion show than anything else.

I'll be waiting for your call. Thanks!

Review IV Answer

Hi Carol, It's me, Tiffany.

I just got your message about the new line of cosmetics, and that the sales are low.

I'd be glad to help you with your problem because I understand what you are going through.

Since I've had a sililar experience, I will give you some tips on how to solve the problem.

First of all, why don't you make some TV commercials?

If that's too expensive, then put out some magazine advertisements.

Also, you should give out free samples in downtown.

It will be good for people to try your cosmetics to how they are.

I hope my ideas can help.

Please let me know how it goes and don't hesitate to call if you have further questions. Good Luck!

[Final Tip]

Step 1 - 듣기 : 문제를 들으며 key word 3개 파악 + 30초 해결책

                  쓰지 않고 script 보지 않고 연습

Step 2 - 60초 답 : 기본 template 을 따라 시간 맞추기 (첫30초 summarizing, 뒤 30초 solution)

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