2017년 1월 17일 화요일

[SPA] Sample Questions and Answers

Q1: Tell me a Little bit about yourself

A1:  Let me introduce myself. My name is Seung kyu Oh. I have been working for Kia & Hyundai Motors for 21 years. Now I am a manager of the Interior parts Development Team. There are 4 people in my family. my wife, she is a housewife, a son who is 17 in high school, a daughter who is 14 in middle school and I. I like both outdoor sports and indoor, such as golf and table tennis. I don’t get to do them very often but like to play whenever I can. I am rather introversive but I listen to others well. I am a good listener.


Q2: What’s the most important thing in your life?

A2: I think the most important thing in my life is keeping good health. Good health doesn’t come easy. It requires a balanced life. Eating right, exercising regularly and sleeping sufficient hours are very important to keep the balanced life. If I loose my health, I am loosing everything. Physically, mentally, financially, socially I’ll loose the control of all aspects of my life. Basically loosing everything. All the more, my family will suffer because of it and their lives will be unhappy.


Q3: What’s your life’s motto?

A3: My life’s motto is to be productive, energetic and useful person with a friendly nature. However I shouldn’t forget to be an understanding person with a realistic mind.


Q4: What is your reason for applying to work overseas?

A4: I would like to be global purchasing expert of Kia and Hyundai Motors. I have been working in purchasing department for about 21years in Korea, but I have never worked outside of Korea. I want to equip myself to be able to work globally. In order to do that I need to build my experience abroad and this is my reason for applying to work in overseas. 


Q5: 가장 어려웠던 도전/문제

A5: The most difficult challenge or problem I ever faced in my life… would be trying to pass this Interview. Ever since I have graduated from the university I never studied English this hard. I mean… Not being able to eat regularly and losing so much weight is just beginning of the symptom. I even sought doctor to get the prescription for my stress. All I’m thinking in my head is English and all I hear is English. So the most difficult problem that I ever faced is to pass this interview.


Q6: What are your strengths and weakness?

A6: My strength is to make a good relationship with people. I am rather introversive but I listen to others well. I am a good listener. My weakness is that I usually take too much time before making any decision. But once I make the decision, I don’t look back and get on with the work.


Q7: What is your good and bad habit?

A7: The good habits are that I try to exercise regularly everyday and I also try to have balanced diet. I usually do exercise at the gym after work. One of my bad habits is drinking too much. I have hang over next morning due to too much drink which affects my daily schedule sometimes.


Q8: What kind of work do you do? (tell me about your job?)

A8: I am a manager in the Interior parts Development Team in Hyundai motors. My main duty is to select the appropriate supplier that will manufacture the parts with good quality with cheaper price and handle the schedules for the shipments for assemblies in time. Interior parts in vehicles are Door Trims, Floor Consoles, Floor Carpets, Pillar Trims, and so forth.


Q9: How do you manage your people?

A9: I usually manage my workers with following principle. First, I give them clear job descriptions so that there is clear understanding on their priority of work. Second, I make sure that everything is being done as suppose to. Third, I have daily and weekly meetings to evaluate the result of work and the productivity to see if there is any area that needs to be improved. I don’t think I am the best manager but certainly not bad manager.


Q10: Who you think is a good boss?

A10: In order to be a good boss you have to be a good listener, because by listening to others would give a lot of information which will help to run the business such as the difficulties of working environment that needs to improve and things that should be relaxed for better service for the customers.


Q11: You indicated that you work. Describe your manager or boss in detail for me.

A11: My boss is great person. I like and respect him. He's strict about getting the work done, but otherwise he’s very lenient and understanding. I think he is a very reasonable and has practical way to manage his employees. Above all he is good at managing time so I learn a lot from him. That's exactly why I like him so much.


Q11: What is your favorite colleague?

A11: My favorite colleague is Mr. Oh. He started to work a year before me. He is very outgoing and humorous. He has a special gift to make others feel happy. Also he is good at managing time so I learn a lot from him in the aspect. .


Q12: How do your colleagues or team members evaluate you?

A12: I don’t know what they say behind my back. But they say that I am a good manager because of effective managing way. I usually manage my workers with following principle. First, I give them clear job descriptions so that there is clear understanding on their priority of work. Second, I make sure that everything is being done as suppose to. Third, I have daily and weekly meetings to evaluate the result of work and the productivity to see if there is any area that needs to be improved. I don’t think I am the best manager but certainly not bad manager.   


Q13: What’s your favorite thing to do at work?

A13: I love my job. I like to work with others than working by myself. I like to help others to do their job and have sense of achievement doing that.


Q14: What do you think about the outing with co-workers after work?

A14: I think outing with co-workers is positive, because it gives us chance to get to know each other in personal base and helps us to have stronger bond among co-workers. It will affect the result of productivity. But I understand the negative aspect of the outing because of drinking too much and forcing someone to drink.


Q15: Tell me about your family?

A15: There are 4 people in my family. My wife is a housewife. She is lovely and cheerful. I have a son who is 17 in high school. He is interested in athletics and likes to play basketball and badminton. And a daughter who is 14 in middle school, she likes to listen to the music and interested in taking pictures and I.


Q16: Where do you live in now?

A16: I live in Dong tan. Dong tan is new city that’s been currently built. Many people don’t know about Dong tan. But it is quiet beautiful and comfortable, because there are many parks with green trees surround the city belt. And Don tan has a convenient road system where major high ways are easily connected.


Q17: What’s your favorite sport?

A17: My favorite sport is table tennis. Table tennis is very exciting and helps me sweet a lot and gives me the exercise that I need. I usually play with my colleagues after work about three times a week. I sometimes play with betting. Loser has to buy the dinner which makes the table tennis games more fun.


Q18: Can you tell me about Pros and Cons of exercise?

A18: Pros of exercise are having a good shape and healthy life, because exercise helps me losing weight and it helps me to be an active person. And exercising prevents diseases such as cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure so I can have healthy life. Exercise makes me in good shape as well. It makes me look good. Cons of exercise are its hard and take time. Exercise is very hard. Exercise is always boring. To exercise, people need to go to gym and people need time to exercise.


Q18: How do you do for health?

A18: I try to exercise regularly everyday and I also try to have balanced diet. I usually do exercise at the gym after work. And I try to eat slow food instead of fast food. 추가 보완.


Q19: What’s your favorite color and why?

A19: I like the blue color best. The color blue makes me feel peace and people tell me that I look good with the blue outfit.


Q20: What’s your favorite dish?

A20: I love seafood. I specially like tuna raw fish, because it is very delicious and I never get sick of it. It also is good for health because tuna is low in calories and helps the brain function better. I occasionally go out with my colleagues and have a raw fish with a drink.


Q21: What do you like to do in your free time?

A21: I usually like to catch up with my sleep as much as I can. Other than that, I like to go to the mountains near my house and hike. 추가보완


Q22: What’s your favorite season?

A22: I like autumn more than any other seasons, because it’s cool during autumn neither cold nor hot. It is good to be outdoors and enjoy the sports such as playing golf or hiking to the mountains. I also like autumn because it’s fruitful season. I get to enjoy my favorite food, fruits such as apple, pear and persimmon


Q23: What’s your favorite music?

A23: They are many types of music among them I like Korean pop music. And I like it because it makes me feel soft and relaxation. I especially like Ballad such as “Don’t say goodbye” sung by 승철 is one of my favorite song.


Q24: What’s your favorite book?

A24: I like to read books. I especially like to read magazines for health and fitness. The reason why I like to read this magazine is because it gives me the information that I need to have for my well-being life, such as how to exercise properly, what are health foods, how to enjoy life with various ideas about hobbies.


Q25: What books do you read recently?

A25: I recently read 4,5 books. But these are all English books that teach me about the interviews. I was so focused to pass the interview. I did not have any spare time to read other books at all. I have gained much knowledge through studying the interview books. Especially this learning experience helped me to discover about myself a lot, such as what I like and dislike, what are my opinions on various issues.


Q26: What’s your favorite movie?

A26: I like to watch action movies. Because it helps me to get rid of the stress I get from daily life. I specially like watch an actions movies, such as Die Hard, Mission Impossible or 007 series. This type of action movies just helps me to sit back and enjoy the movie without thinking too much.


Q27: 최근에 본 영화는?

A27: Recently I saw G.I.Joe with my family about 3 month ago. It was an action movie with mixture of science fiction. This movie had great computer graphic and awesome actions. I liked this movie because It’s such a stress buster. My kids liked this movie because Korean actor,이병현, was costarred in the movie.


Q28: What’s your favorite friend?

A28: My best friend is Hwanho Chung. Not only we went to same high school together but also we have similar personality and characteristic. We did many activities together when we were younger that our parents don’t know about. We are now relative as well as friend. He is married to my sister-in-law.


Q29. What kind of section do you like in newspaper?

A29: When I read newspaper I first open to the sports section. Because I like to update with the current scores of the teams that I support and to read the inside stories of sports world. I am interested about sports, because it gives me the topic to talk with my colleagues at work. That’s why when I read newspaper I first open to the sports section.


Q30: What’s your favorite car?

A30: My favorite car is carnival which is minivan made from Kia Motors. Because it is safe to drive since it is bigger vehicle. And also Carnival has bigger spaces for storage compare to other smaller cars. I like safer and bigger car, because it is good for my family activities such as picnic or trip to my parent’s house which my children can rest with enough room.


Q31: A woman lives at downtown and works IT Company her age is 20s which Kia car do you introduce for her?

A31: I would definitely recommend Soul. Soul has cute and unique design that can attract not only young people but all ages. Soul is a compact car but more interior spaces compare to other compact vehicles. Soul has reasonable price for features it offers, such as a great gas mileage and air bag system. It has been rewarded to be the safest compact car in the USA.  For this reasons I have mentioned, I would recommend the Soul.


Q32: Tell me about your favorite TV show. What is it about? When do you watch it? What do you like most about it? Give me all the details. (한국의 리얼리티쇼가 왜 인기가 있다고 생각하는가?)

A32: My favorite TV show is 1 night and 2days which is a reality show, because this show is fun and interesting. Everything is not preplanned but real in the show. One of the games they play fortunate and unfortunate results for each person and their reactions show the real enjoyments for the viewers. And I like this show because I am able to see many nice places where I have never seen in Korea. I usually watch this show late night through replay channel.


Q33: Where do you go in summer vacation?

A33: I usually go to 안면island in summer vacation because it is one of the well-known tourist attraction and my parents live there. By me going there, I get to enjoy my vacation in wonderful place as well as visit my parents. This is like “Killing two birds with one stone”

안면island is connected with bridge, which make it easy to get there by driving a car.


Q34: Which baseball team of Korea or soccer team do you like better, and Why?

A34: I like the baseball team of Korea better than soccer. The baseball team has unique attraction to entertain people and gave such hope and courage to believe that anything is possible. For example, recent play at the Beijing Olympic and WBC, the baseball team of Korea showed fantastic and dramatic play which surprised the whole world. So I like the baseball team of Korea.


Q35. 청년실업 및 대학생 휴학급증에 대한 정부의 대책은 무엇이며 본인이 생각하는 대안은?

A35: The Korean government said that they would solve the unemployment problem by starting ‘Neo-government Internship Program’ but we do not know how effective it would be. Alternative idea to this is to develop the system that will supply and educate the unemployed with specialized skill that will equip them to be the type of workers the companies want.


Q36: 스포츠 스타에 대한 언론의 과도한 스포트라이트를 받는데 바람직한가? 그 이유는?

A36: Too much attention to the sports star is not appropriate in my opinion. A good example would be swimmer Tae Hwan Park. Although, he has won the gold medals in previous Olympic too much spotlight has caused him to have unnecessary stress psychologically. Media’s over attention resulted Mr. Park to fail preliminary round.


Q37. 현대.기아차의 지난해 각 나라별 판매대수(그라프)?? TOP6 ?? 그중에 미국에서의 판매대수가 가장 많은데 그 이유는?

A37: Among other countries, United States has the biggest auto business market. Therefore, we are trying very hard to penetrate into the United States’ auto market. The good news is that the vehicle models Genesis, Soul have been recognized its superiority in quality thus the number of sale has gone up with original marketing strategy.


Q38: (리스닝) 선생님 조건.대우는 ?  ? – 그렇다면 당신의 생각은?


Q39: 당신이 출장을 가고 싶다면 어느 나라로 가고 싶은가? ?

I like to take a business trip to New York City, because I have never been there.  And I heard New York is economically and politically important city. I would like to experience the liveliness of New York City.


Q40: (그림) 놀이공원 그네 타는 사진? 보여주며 영어로 설명하시오.


Q41: (리스닝)미국실업자들의 줄서기? 한국인이 좋아하는 직업은? ?


Q42: 요즘 남자들이 화장을 하는데  당신 의견은 ?

A42: I agree with man wearing a make-up. It’s important for men to have good looking appearance too, not only women these days. We all know how important first impression is. We are engaging with many people in daily life at work which appearance may affect our sales results. Therefore, I totally agree that men should also use make up to look better.


Q43: Did you get married? If did please explain “before & after”

A43: I was freeman, free to do many things for myself. But now I am not free. I have responsibility as a husband and father of two children. They keep me busy all the time. But I have a family that is the best supporter of me.


Q44: If you have supernatural powers, what do you want to do?

A44: It sounds like not possible for me to have the supernatural power but if I do have the supernatural power I would probably use it to benefit the public such as helping the people from many disasters or stop the unnecessary war between the two countries by being mediator.


Q45: If you go to desert and can bring 2~3 items, which item do you bring?

A45: If I go to desert and some how I have to survive there. I would need roll of plastic, cup and warm clothes. I could get the water through two items and survive at night with warm clothes because the temperature at night in desert can go pretty low.


Q46: What do you think about current economic crisis? And what will you expect in the future regarding economic situation?

A46: The Korea(world) economic crisis is terrible. It’s worse than I thought. But this economic crisis is not the first. It happened before and it may happen again in future. I just hope this economic crisis will end soon.


Q47: Is there any contribution campaign to be promoted by Kia? If there is please introduce it.

A47: Yes. Kia has always involved in helping who are less fortunate. Especially for the children who are suffering of hunger, such as feed the children program.


Q48: When is the happiest time in a day?

A48: My happiest time of the day is when I finish the work and do my work out. Such as running on a treadmill or playing table tennis with my colleagues. It makes me feel good.


Q49: If you have to go the uninhabited island(deserted island) which item do you want to bring?

A49: If I end up being in unmanned island and have a choice of bringing some items. I would bring lighter, Swiss knife (multi-function) and a pot. Knife is useful to build shelter. Lighter and pot for cooking.


Q50: if you won the first prize at lotto, what are you going to do with the money?

A50: 50% of the winning money would be invested in either buying the land or stock for my future. And other 50% of winning money will be donated to an organization that will help the poor. But I want to keep the job and work that I have and keep the normal life.


Q51: 한국인의 장점과 특징에 대해 설명하시오?

A51: The strongest point about Korean is they are very diligent worker. Koreans also like to hurry things. They can be very impatient. It is one of the reasons why Korea had economic increase in such a short time.


Q52: (그림) 2개의 사진을 보여주며 (도담삼봉. 오페라하우스-호주)

     -당신 아들에게 두 곳중 여행 추천지는 ? ?

A52: I would like to take my son to Australia Opera house because it is very rare for anyone to have chance to go there. And I want my son to experience the culture of other country. There can be visited anytime.


Q53: 아파트. 주택 어느 곳이 좋은가? ?

A53: I prefer to live in an apartment rather than to live in a house for mainly two reasons.

First it is more comfortable to live in the apartment because it is easier to manage and take care. Second, living in apartment is much safer. House is very opened to many dangers compare to apartment. That’s why I like to live in an apartment better than house.


Q54: 피자 .샐러드 어느 것이 좋은가? ?

A54: Pizza is taste better but I like salad better because it is much healthier. I think I need to make a wise choice when it comes to choosing food.


Q55: 패스트푸드의 장점과 단점은?

A55: We are living in the world that is surrounded by the fast food restaurants I think there are few reasons for this. People are always in hurry because of their busy schedules. Naturally fast food business grows to meet the needs of the consumers. Moreover fast foods often taste better. But nevertheless fast food is not health conscience food. High in fat and calories can put your health in danger if you are living of from the fast food all the time.


Good thing about fast food is time saving but bad thing about fast food is not good for health. It is very high in calorie and fat.


Q56: Which food of Korean or Chinese do you like better, and why?

A56: I prefer to have Korean food better than Chinese, because I am used to eating Korean food. And I like non oily food. Chinese food use only made with a lot of oil, but Korean food is very health and easy to prepare.


Q57: 서울의 장점과 단점은 ?

A57: Good thing about Seoul is its transportation system such as subways and bus. It is very convenient. Bad thing about Seoul is its too crowded with so many cars and people. The air pollution is worst of all.


Q58: What do you think about international marriage?

A58: I am not against to international marriage because more and more world is becoming globalized and I think it is very natural phenomenon. Good thing about international marriage is interacting other culture and bad things about international marriage are language barrier and they have difficulties to understand their different culture and background.


Q59: 놀이공원에 얼마나 자주 가는가?

A59: When my children were small, we went to amusement park every year. Since my children are grown up, I haven’t gone there lately at all.


Q60: 4일 근무한다면, 당신은 어떻게 활용할 것 인가?

A60: I like to increase the quality of my life when I have chance to work 4days a week. I could spend more time with my family traveling various different places throughout the Korea or over seas.


Q61: 당신이 영화.TV에서의 미국문화에 대한 충격은 ?

A61: There are few things but all the gun issue has shocked me. It seems like there are many incidents with fire arm case in America. Not only shocking but it worries me little bit to go to America.


Q62: 외국인이 한국방문에서 받을 수 있는 문화적 충격 항목은 무엇인가?

A62: I could tell you a couple things about the culture shock that foreigner can feel when they first come to Korea. One of them is drinking culture. When you pour drinks for others always use right hand with two hands if you are younger. And the other is dining culture. For example Koreans use scissors to cut meat. These may be shock to the foreigners.


Q63: 김치의 장점은 무엇인가?

A63: Kimchi is the most well known food in Korea and being loved by almost everyone in Korea. Kimchi is very healthy food and can be used in many dishes or just simply side dish.


Q64: 당신은 데스크PC. 랩탑컴퓨터중 어느 것이 좋은지 ? ?

A64: I prefer laptop over desktop for several reasons. First laptop is more convenient than desktop. For example I can carry laptop anywhere. In another word, it is portable. Second laptop increases the effectiveness of my work. For example, it would be hard to carry my desktop to the meeting or presentation where laptop could.


Q65: 당신이 가족과 함께 여행한 곳은 해외는?

A65: 4years ago, my family travel to the Europe. We have visited 4 countries in Europe, UK, France, Swiss and Italy. We took a lot of pictures and it was very memorable. Especially Swiss was the most memorable space I liked the hiking experience through the mountains Alp.


Q66: 당신이 가장 가보고 싶은 나라는 ?:  ?

A66: I want to visit Nepal. Since I am fond of hiking, I want to have a chance to go hike the Himalaya Mount. I heard this trip is very hard and difficult. But I certainly would like to experience the grand nature in Nepal.


Q67: 어린이들의 과체중/비만에 대한 당신의 의견은?

A67: I think the major reason for children obese is because of the change in life style. Today’s children are expose to the food that is high in calorie and fat but involve limited physical activities which is far less than they should.


Q68: Pre education 대해서 견해를 말하시오.

A68: I don’t agree with pre-education program, because children should play at early age. Playing is very important study for children. For example, Children can learn social ability through playing with their friends. That’s why I disagree with pre-education program. 


Q69: 중고등학교 영어 수업

A69: In my opinion, it would not be effective. Korea education system is not properly ready to operate such program for all the middle schools and high schools. But I like the idea of providing students to be more exposed to English environment.


Q70: When is the best time for your children to start learning English?

A70: I think when it comes to learning a new language sooner the better. English is not just language any more. It’s global language so sooner the better. And younger children are better in learning a new language than older ones.


Q71: Korean watch TV for 3hours a day average, what is your opinion?

A71: Watching TV for 3hours everyday is too much. Just like anything else, too much is not good. Especially for children, they can be much attached to TV and have less physical activity. It is not good for their growth.


Q72: 10대의 part time job에 대한 생각은?

A72: I agree for teen agers to work part time, because working can be important learning experience. Working as part-timer can give teens opportunity to experience the world and give them a better idea of what is expect them when they graduate from school. So I totally agree with teen agers working part time.


Q73: 한국의 명절(추석)에 대해 설명하시오.

A73: It is the biggest holiday in Korea. All the relatives get together on this day. On this day people celebrate and remember their ancestors and usually people prepare special food which everyone like. Also since it is national holiday traffic jam is amazing.


Q74: 만약에 당신의 성격을 고친다면 어떻게?

A74: I tend to get nervous when standing in front of crowd. I would love to change this if possible. I thought about the reasons for me being nervous, and I think it is because I am perfectionist. I am afraid of making mistake. So the more practice would helps me cure the symptom of being nervous.


Q75: 당신이 생각하는 퍼팩트한 퇴직은? 어떻게 보낼 것인가? 직업을 구할 것인가? 왜 필요한가?

A75: After retire, I would like to continue working that relates the work that I am doing now. Maybe consulting work for the auto part business. And with extra time I would take golf tour to various places with my wife to increase the quality of my leisure life.


Q76: 당신이 만약 과거로 돌아간다면, 어떻게 하고 싶은가?

A76: If I could have chance to go back to my past, I want to go back to when I was middle schooler because I wanted to become professional golf player before. I would put my all in all practicing golf.


Q77: 진보된 기술이 우리의 생활에 변화를 가져왔는가? 설명하시오?

A77: Advanced Technology has changed our life a lot. It saved us a lot of time and bring people together closer. Because of it, the world is becoming globalized.


Q78: 컴퓨터와 핸드폰에 대한 당신 의견은? 그리고 장.단점은?

A78: The good thing about it is convenience and bad thing about it is too expensive for its usage.



Q79: 당신의 상사가 회의를 많이 하는 것이 도움이 되는지? 아니면 불필요한 것인지? 당신의 의견을 말해 보시요?

A79: Having many meeting with boss may be viewed as stressful thing but I don’t think that is true. I would help me to understand the job description better thus increase my effectiveness to be more productive.


Q80: A lot of people buy e lottery ticket. What is our opinion regarding this?

A80: I don’t like to buy lottery ticket. There is saying “Easy come easy go”. It’s not right to gain something without working for it.


Q81: selling items

A81: This is unique product that you will be satisfied if you buy it. It is hand made by one of the famous craftsman(cook). You’ll not regret because it is 100% refundable if you are not satisfied within 2weeks.(natural ingredient and healthy) 


Q82: What is the best car in Kia? Please explain the reason.



Q83: Could you recommend a good place for foreigners?

A83: I would like to recommend 인사동, because 인사동 is one of the most famous tourist attraction in Korea. There are many shops that sell traditional souvenirs. And there are a lot of art galleries. Foreigners could watch various Korean traditional paintings, pictures and potteries. That’s why I recommend them to go to 인사동 to understand Korean culture.


Q84: You indicated in the survey that you take vacations within your country. Tell me about some of the places you travel domestically. Why do you like going there and how often do you visit that place?

A84: I like to go to Kangwon Province because of the diversity of the landscape there. There is a wide range of things you can do in Kangwon Province. I like to visit some of the gorgeous beaches or hike the beautiful mountains there. There are also dozens of rivers and streams to fish at.


Q85: 외국인에게 권하고 싶은 기념품은?

A85: I think the collection CD of Korean Pop songs will be a good souvenir for foreigner who visit Korea, because Koreans love to go to Karaoke so knowing few Korean Pop songs would help foreigner mingle well with most Koreans.


Q86: 디지털 카메라와 DLR 카메라중 선호하는 것은?

A86: I like (prefer) the compact digital camera better. Mainly because it is simple to use with less buttons and easy to carry around compare to the other one.


Q87: what do you prepare for business trip?

A87: First I prepare the documents for the trip such as passport and airline tickets. Second I prepare the items for the job such as laptop computer, documents for presentation. Third, I pack my personal items such as my clothes and personal hygiene.


Q88: Government is trying to settle down mandatory retirement age as 58?

A88: I agree the government is trying to make age of 58 to be mandatory retirement because even at that age people can still carry out the task without difficulty. Specially the experience and skills people have at that age can be view as valuable.


Q89: 그림설명 happy index

A89: I think happy index shows that income level or education level has no relation to how happy they are. Graph even shows that poorer country has higher happy level I think its about how you are satisfy with what you have that makes you happy.


Q90: Why is English important in today’s business world?

A90: Learning English is very important although it is not easy. English is global language in business, politic and many areas. English can open door to many opportunities in that sense. Moreover learning English gives you an access to learn more about the western culture. I think this because language can not be just learned by itself but comes with better understanding of its culture too. Last but not least, learning English will also allow me to resource. There are more information on any thing in English more than any other language.


Q91: 직장인의 매력

A91: The biggest attraction for salary man is stable income which allows one to plan things a head of time. Next salary man has set working hours so that one can have regular routine life style, such as exercising at the gym.


Q92: Outcast(왕따)

A92: I think the background of outcast in any social class in Korea is not understanding the difference and forcing each other to be like them. In my opinion, in order to solve this problem, people need to be educated that it is okay to be different.


Q93: 작년 현대기아의 선전에 대한 당신의 이견은?

A93: Hyundai-Kia Motors had great result of company on sales because of mainly three reasons in my opinion. First, we had an aggressive and unique marketing strategy that appealed greatly to the consumers. Second, Many countries carried out tax benefits attracted consumers in the world. Third, the high quality of our products has increase the image of the brand among consumers.


Q94: Who is the person you admire most?

A94: The person that I mostly admire is my mother who has passed away 16 years ago. The reason why I admire her most is because she was very diligent in everything she did. She even tried to raise her children to be as diligent as she was. I think I am a diligent person, thanks to my mom I got this from my mother. This is why I admire my mother most.

Q95: 외국인에게 권하고 싶은 한국음식은?

A95: I’d like to recommend 비빔밥, because it is easy to make and has balance nutrient. 비빔밥 has grains, vegetables and meets but there is no rules about what to put in 비빔밥. You can put mostly anything in 비빔밥, but importantly don’t forget to put in red pepper paste and sesame oil.


 How do you travel from your home to your place of work or study?

I usually commute by subway. My company is located in busy area. So There is always rush hour traffic jam. Taking the subway is the best way not to be late for me.

I always go to work by bus. Its cheaper than taxi.

I travel from my home to my place of work or study by bus. Because bus fare is very cheap.


How do you think transportation could be improved in your community?

To improve the transportation in my community, I think the community should invest more money in replacing the old public buses by new ones. Because old buses can make air pollution and cause traffic accidents more easily. So I think replacing the old buses by new ones is the best way to improve the transportation in the community.


If you had to advise a tourist to your city about what to see and do, what would you tell her/him?

If I have to give them some advice, I would say they have to go and see the real Korea. Visiting 남대문 Market is a good idea. Just staying in Hotels and following tour guides by tour bus is boring. So Id like to ask them to search some information on the internet first. Then they can get some ideas where to go and see.


Does your country promote tourism?

Yes, our government tries to promote tourism. More and more local festivals are being held every year. The government is investing money on those festivals. And It helps local community earn more money trough the tourism.

Describe a foreign country you have been to.

I have been to Malaysia two years ago for a vacation. It was a beautiful tropical tree land. I saw a lot of palm trees there. Also the water was very clean. I enjoyed surfing all day long. The weather was very hot and humid. But that was okay for me.


When is the best time of year to visit your country?

I think spring or fall is the best time to come to my country.

My country has 4 seasons with spring, summer, fall and winter. Summer is too hot and winter is so cold. So spring or fall is the best.

What is a good place in your country for tourist to visit? 좋은 장소

I recommend tourist to visit 인사동.

➜ 인사동 has a lot of stores where sell Korean traditional souvenirs


Describe what tourist would like about that place.

➜ 인사동 is located in 종로 area which is near the Seoul City Hall.

It has hundreds of souvenir stores along the 인사동 street. Tourists can look around unique Korean traditional stuffs such as Korean style lanterns, paper fans and all around there. And there are some art galleries, too. Tourist can have chances to see what Korean art is like in galleries.


Have you been to other countries?

Yes, I have been to Japan in 2002 for a trip. I stayed there for a week.


In your country, do more people travel abroad or travel locally?

Im not sure. But I heard from the news that more and more people are traveling abroad for their vacations.

I think more people are traveling in Korea than abroad. Because of the travel costs, its economical to travel in Korea.

Do you think your government should promote tourism more or less?

I think the government should promote tourism to attract more foreign tourists to come to Korea. Korea doesnt have many natural resources like oil and coal. If the government promotes tourism in Korea, people can make dollars from foreign visitors.



What kind of programs do you like and dislike?

I Iike news programs and dislike dramas. From news programs, I can get to know a lot of things happening in the real life. But dramas are all about fictions. I think watching dramas is a way to kill time.

Do you think there is too much violence on TV?

Yes, I think there is too much violence on dramas and movies. Children can imitate the violence from TV. So, We should consider the possibility of copycat crimes.

How do you usually get news?

I usually get news thought internet. I dont need to pay for the newspaper or go to the newsstand. Its free and convenient.

Do you prefer newspapers or magazines?

I prefer newspapers to magazines. Newspapers are coming out daily but magazines are coming monthly. I prefer to get updated news than outdated one.

How often do you read newspaper or magazine?

In my case, I read a newspaper almost everyday. I can easily get the news on the internet for free. I dont even need to subscribe to the newspaper. Internet newspaper is very convenient


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