2017년 1월 9일 월요일

Lesson 14~15 Express an Opinion

[Preference - 일상, 회사]

* 일반 사항

Question 11

준비 시간 15초

답변 시간 60초

지시문, 질문 (화면으로 제공)

*유형 특징

 - 두 입장

  1) Preference 선호의 입장

     개인의 성향이나 처한 상황에 대한 선호도

  2) Agree or disagree 찬성 또는 반대

     사회적 문제나 회사 관련

 - 세 입장

  1) 선호와 비슷한 고르기 문제

* 답변 순서

 1) 서론 - 본인의 주장 밝히기 (1문장)

             질문을 rephrasing + 주장을 뒷받침할 이유 (1문장)

             There are some reasons to support / back up my opinion.

 2) 본론 - 이유 2개 (6~8 문장)

             First / Second of all

             One reason / Another reason

             Finally / Lastly

 3) 결론 - (1문장)

             질문을 rephrasing


Do you prefer to wrok alone or with others as a group?

Please give reasons and examples to support your answer.

Brainstorming Practice

Alone - Freedom

        - make a decisions on my own

        - avoid conflicts with others

        - concentrate better

        - less distractions

Group - Save time

         - divide tasks

         - finish quickly

         - help each other

         - share ideas and information

I prefer to work with others as a group.

There are some reasons to support my opinion.

First, it helps to save time.

We can divide tasks and use time efficiently.

By dividing tasks, we can finish several things at the same time.

Furthermore, everyone has a different talent that they can contribute to the team.

When these are combined, it leads to better results.

Second, we can help each other.

When someone has a question or a problem, we can easily help each other to solve a problem.

Plus, we can share information and ideas to come up with the best possible solution.

Also, when someone is stressed out or lost, we can encourage each other.

In conclusion, I like to work with my coworkers.

Actual Test 1

Presently, a few university students are given the choice to either study at home through the use of a computer and the Internet or go to school every day. Which do you think is better and why? Support your answer.

I think it's better to go to school every day.

There are some reasons to support my opinion.

First of all, it's more efficient to study in class.

There are fewer distractions when I study in class, so I can concentrate better.

Also, if I have a question, I can easily ask questions and get answers right away.

Second of all, it helps me to develop social skills.

I think one of the very important things students can learn in school is how to build relationships.

By studying and discussing issues in class with my classmates, I can practice listening to others, understanding them, and communicating with them.

It may not seem so essential in school, but it's very important when I work in the future.

For these reasons, I would rather to go to school than to study at home.

Actual Test 2

Would you prefer to run a business of your own, or to retire at an old age from the company you've worked for your whole life? Give specific reasons and details to support your answer.

I prefer to retire in an old age from the company I've worked for my whole life.

I have several reasons to back up my opinion.

First, working for a company is more stable than running my own business.

I would have a regular income and even a pension after retirement.

Also, most of the companies offer various employee benefits such as insurance, sholarships, vacations and so on.

So, I'd  feel more comfortable working at a company.

Second, I'd get less stress.

I wouldn't have to worry about managing the entire business or dealing with financial problems.

Enjoying my life is important to me, so I'd rather avoid becoming stressful even if it means earning less money.

For these reasons, I want to work for a company until I retire.

Actual Test 3

When hiring a new employee, would you choose an experienced worker and pay them more, or would you hire an inexperienced person for less? Give specific reasons to support your answer.

When hiring a new employee, I would choose an inexperienced worker for less pay.

There are some reasons why I think way.

Usually, inexperienced workers are younger, or just out of college.

So, they are eager to learn and work which makes them very passionate about their work.

Also they have fresh ideas, so they have the potential to make good results.

Another reason is that I can train them the way I want.

If they are inexperienced, they are not very stubborn, so it's easy to control them.

Most of the time, they are loyal to the company, so I can rely on them.

Therefore, I think it's better to hire an inexperienced worker.

* Final Tip

 1) 질문 - 질문을 듣고 바로 의견 고르기

 2) Brain Storming Pratice - 간단한 key words (시간 안배 60초 > 45초 > 30초 > 15초)

 3) 60초 동안 답변 연습 (key words 를 문장으로 연결)

* 추가 Tip

 1) 질문 일고 순간 바로 질문 이해하기 및 동시에 한쪽 의견을 구한다. 큰 2가지 이유를 생각! + example

 2) 일상생활을 하면서 많이 접할 수 있는 질문들이므로 시간이 어중간하게 남으면 경험담 얘기!

 3) 빠른 brainstorming을 위해 질문을 얇고 넓게 다양한 질문 연습!

* Epressions

 1) 서론 - 자신의 주장 밝히기 (질문 Rephrasing)

 한쪽을 선택하는 경우

 - I prefer to work alone.

 - Personally, I agree that working with others as a group is a good idea.

 - I think it's better to work alone.

 - I like to work with others better because ~

 - I would rather work alone than working with others as a group.

 - Working with others as a group is more effective/ better because~

 - I prefer to work alone rather than to work with others as a group because ~

 한쪽을 부정하여 자신의 선택을 나타내는 경우

 - I don't think it's a good idea to work alone because ~

 - I think we should not work alone because ~

 자신의 의견을 나타낼때 유리한 구문

 - In my opinion, working with others is better idea because ~

 - As for me, working with other is more efficent because ~
 - From my point of view, working alone is much better because ~

 - As far as I'm concerned, working with others is a good idea because,

   + There are some reasons to support my opinion.

 2) 본론 - 주장 뒷받침 하기

 - First of all, Firstly / Second, Second of all, Secondly

 - One reason is, another reason is, the other reason is

 - Next, also

 - Last, Last of all, Lastly / Finally

 3) 결론 말하기

 - For / Because of these reasons, I prefer to ~

 - In conclusion, it's better to ~

 - Therefore, I enjoy ~

 - So, it's a good idea to ~

[Agree or Disagree - 일상]


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

" Children should take part in sports activities in school."

Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

I agree that children should take park in sports activities in school.

There are some reasons to support my opinion.

First, taking part in sports activities helps students to stay healthy.

Palying sports is good not only for physical but also for mental health, because it can relieve stress.

In order for students to be able to study hard, they need time to relax.

This way, they can concentrate on studying better.

Second, students can build social skills.

Usually, when students play sports at school, they paly with their classmates.

Through this group activity, they learn to listen, understand, and cooperate together.

It's important to have these social skills for their future.

In conclusion, it's a good idea to participate in sports activities in school.

Actual Test 1

Do you agree or disagree with following statement?

" In the future, people will read fewer books than they do today."

Give reasons or examples to support your opinion.

I agree that in the future, people will read fewer books than they do today.

I have two reasons to back up my opinion.

First of all, even now, people read fewer books than before.

I think people usually read books to get information and second hand experience,.

But nowadays, there are so many other ways to get a variety of useful information.

For example, the Internet contains an abundance of information which can be searched quickly with just a few clicks.

Another reason is that there are many other forms of entertainment.

Even through the Internet, it's easy to search for information, play games, watch movies, listen to music and so on.

With developing technology, people can easily enjoy things other than reading books.

Most of these other forms of entertainment have visuals and sounds, which people fine more interesting than reading just text in books.

For these reasons, I think people will not read a lot of books in the future.

Actual Test 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

"A generation or two ago, people were more polite than the people are now."

Please explain your answer with specific examples and reasons.

I agree that a generation or two ago, people were more polite than they are now.

I have some reasons and examples to support my opinion.

People today have less respect for the elderly.

For example, in Korea, there are designated seats for elders on public transportation.

I remember when I was little, people used to get up for the elders to sit since they are usually weaker, and it can be dangerous for them to be standing up during the ride.

But nowadays, I often see younger people in the designated seats.

Even worse, they sometimes pretend to be asleep when they see elderly people board a bus or train.

Another thing is that people these days don't say please, sorry, or thank you very often.

I think it's very important to say those things in certain circumstances to show respect and gratefulness to others.

However, people are becoming more indifferent toward others.

In conclusion, I agree that people seem less polite these days.

Actual Test 3

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

"Twenty years from now, people will not longer send or receive paper mail."

I agree that twenty years from now, people will no longer send or receive paper mail.

I have two reason to support my opinion.

First, even now, a lot of paper work is done through email.

People hardly write letters to each other but instead send emails or use social networking sites to communicate with others.

Plus, most of the companies try to send bills through the Internet because it's a good way to save money, paper and the trees they come from, and eventually the enviroment.

Second, with the great inventions such as laptops and cell phones, it's much quicker to write emails than send paper mail.

People are busy and often impatient, so people simply don't want to wait around for paper mail when it can be done a lot more quickly and conveniently.

For these reasons, I think that in twenty years, people will no longer send or receive paper mail.

* Final Tip

 1) 서론 문장

 2) Preparation Time (시간을 점점 줄이며, 쓰지 않고, 두가지 큰 아이디어 떠올리기)

 3) 큰 아이디어에 따른 설명 문장들

* 추가 자료

 1) 찬성 입장

    I agree with the opinion / statement.

    I agree that + 질문 rephrasing

 2) 반대 입장 밝히기

    I disagree with the opinion / statement.

    I disagree that + 질문 rephrasing

 3) 본인과 다른 입장에 대해 언급 할 때

    On the other hand, ~

    However, ~

    But, ~

    Of course it is true that, but ~

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