2017년 1월 9일 월요일

Lesson 16~17 Express an Opinion

[Agree or Disagree - 회사 생활]


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

"To be successful in business, one should be more friendly and outgoing than being intelligent."

I agree with the statement that in order to be succeful in business, one should be more friendly and outgoing than being intelligent.

I have two reasons to support my opinion.

First, for someone to succeed, it's very important to build good relationships with others.

Understanding, communicating with others, and cooperation are essential since people usually work in teams and not by themselves.

Plus, successful people usually have many others in support of them.

Second, being intelligent can definitely be helpful, but if one is not very intelligent, knowledge can be gained through experience and studying.

I think it's easier to get knowledge than to get respect and trust from others.

Also, I think being wise is more important than just being smart.

For these reasons, it's more helpful to be friendly and outgoing than being intelligent.

Actual Test 1

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

"Employees can get more leadership experience when they work at a smaller company than a big company."

I agree that employees can get more leadership experience when they work at a smaller company than a big company.

There are two reasons to support my opinion.

First, they have more chances to lead a project at a smaller company.

In my opinion, a good leader should have much first hand experience of being a leader than just having a lot knowledge.

So, by having much experience, they learn how to solve problems, be cooperative and understanding.

Second, they get to meet the leaders more often.

If the company is small, there are more chances to talk and work with the leaders in the company.

If one wants to be a good leader, it's helpful to get advice and tips from the current leaders and see how they actually handle their work.

They can be good mentors.

In conclusion, I think it's better to work at a smaller company for leadership experience.

Actual Test 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

"Companies should be equipped with on-site fitness facilities for employees."

I think it's a good idea to have on-site fitness facilities for emplpyees.

I have several reasons to back up my opinion.

First of all, it helps to keep the employees healthy.

By exercising, they can relieve stress, which is good for both physical and mental health.

This way, they can reduce stress and concentrate on work better.

When the employees are in good condition, they will also be more efficient at work.

Second, employees will feel more satisfied with the company, because it's a good employee benefit for them to enjoy.

Finally, exercising with their coworks is a good way to build relationships.

When employees have good relationships, they usually cooperate and harmonize better which will eventually help the company to be more productive.

In conclusion, I agree that companies should have on-site fitness facilities for employees.

Actual Test 3

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

"Companies should have the right to end anyone's employment without providing a reason."

I think it depends on the situation.

There are some reasons to back up my opinion.

First, sometimes the companies have no other choice but to lay off employees due to company's management problems such as financial difficults.

The reason may be confidential, so the company would not want to reveal it.

On the other hand, to an employee, it may seem unfair.

With or without a contract, once they are hired, they have a commitment to work for each other.

Companies have the right to end anyone's employment, but I think they should at least show some respect by providing a reason.

For these reasons, I think the statement is debatable.

* Final Tip

 1) 정해진 시간 내에 쓰지 않고 Brainstorming

 2) 아이디어가 떠오르지 않을 경우 model answers를 일고 힌트 얻기

 3) 힌트 활용하여 내 말투로 답하기

[Others & Review]

Actual Test 1

People are becoming more and more health-oriented than ever before.

What do you do to maitain your good health?

I do several things to maitain my good health.

First, I exercise regularly at the gym near my house.

I usually jog, do yoga, and lift weights.

When the weather is nice, I often play soccer with my friends on the weekends.

Working out is a good way to get rid of stress which helps to keep both physical and mental health.

Second, I try to eat healthy food such as vegetables and fruits and aboid junk food.

I usually cook and eat at home because it's healthier.

When I eat out, I try to watch my diet by not eating so much greasy and fattening food.

Plus, I take supplements such as vitamins every day to take in the nutrients I need.

Finally, I don't stay up late so that I can get enough sleep every day.

It's important to refresh myself for the new day, so I usually go to bed around 11 PM. and sleep for about 7 hours.

In conclusion, keeping my health is very important.

This is why I do several things to maintain good health.

Actual Test 2

Which of these is the most important thing for someone to succeed in their fields?

 Knowledge of the field

 A good way to handle stress

 Good computer skills

I think the most important thing for someone to succeed in their field is knowledge of the field.

There are two reasons to support my opinion.

When someone has enought knowledge, it's easier to handle various tasks and deal with problems.

Also, it helps one the make fewer mistakes and finish tasks faster than others.

To be able to succeed in anything, I think one should have more than basic knowledge of what they are doing to work efficiently.

Another reason is that if one has a lot of knowledge, it is a good way to build relationships with the coworkers.

When a coworker has a problem, a knowledgeable person can use his or her knowledge to help.

By helping others, he or she can gain respect and trust from others which are essential things to have for one to succeed.

For these reasons, even through handling stress will and having good computer skills are important, knowledge of the field is the most important.

Actual Test 3

Which is more important to you, a job that pays well or a job that makes you happy?

Give specific reasons and example to support your opinion.

To me, it's more important to have a job that pays well than a job that makes me happy.

There are some reasons to support my opinion.

First, with a high salary, I can enjoy the things I want.

For example, it is my dream to buy my own house and a nice sports car.

Also, I like to go shopping, so I can buy clothes, bags, shoes, and whatever I want.

Plus, I want to travel around the world during my vacations and after retirement.

Second, it's easier to support my family with a job that pays well.

I can help my parents with living expenses, medical bills and so on, and educate my children well.

Finally, I'd like to donate to people in need around the world.

For these reasons, I think earning much money is more important than a job that makes happy.

Actual Test 4

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

"Memorizing information taught in school is the most essential part required for high school students."

I disagree that memorizing information is the most essential thing for high school students.

I have a few reasons to support my opinion.

First of all, when things are just memorized, it's easier to forget.

I remember memorizing many things in school for tests such as math equations, scientific terms and so on, but I've forgotton a lot of them.

Even so, it's not a problem at all, because I hardly use any of that information in real life.

Also, students may lose interest in studying when all they need to do is memorize information without understanding it.

Second, students are given a choice of elective courses such as art, foreign language, music and so on.

I think practicing is a better way to learn those things, and memorizing information does not help as much.

By practicing, they can enjoy the process of learing and avoid becoming stressed out.

In conclusion, although memorizing information is important, I don't think it's the most essential thing for high school students.

* Final Tip

 1) 정해진 시간내에 쓰지 않고 brainstorming

 2) 60초 동안 녹음하면서 답하기

 3) 녹음 들어보며 답 다듬기

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