2017년 1월 23일 월요일

Speaking Lesson 11 Part 3

1. Imagine that a US marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about cellphone service.

Q4. How much do you usually pay for your monthly phone bill?
I pay about $50 for my monthly phone bill.
Since i am out all day long, most of my calls are using my cellphone.
So, I think the price is quite reasonable considering the number of calls I make.

Q5. Who do you usually call on your cellphone and how long do the calls usually last?
I usually call my friends and family using my cellphone.
I'm at work during daytime, so most of the times, it's usually my friends and family that I call using my cellphone.
I spend about two minutes on average for each call I make.
I just call to make an appointment or to say hi, so the calls are very short.

Q6. What is the most important thing you consider when you choose a mobile phone service provider?
 * Calling prices *Customer service *Reception
The most imprtant thing that I consider is the customer service they provide.
Nowadays, most mobile phone service providers offer about the same quality of reception throughout the region.
However, the service they provide differs by provider.
Some service providers give out free movie tickets and discount offers at various kinds of retailers.
Nowadays, it is important to compare the service they provide and choose the one that benefits you the most.

2. Imagine that a US marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about TV.

Q4. How much time do you spend on watching TV?
I think I watch TV for an hour each day.
In the morning, I watch TV while getting ready for work.
I can check the weather before going out.
It is very helpful.

Q5. What kind of TV did you purchase most recently and when did you get it?
Three years ago, I bought a new TV.
It was the first time I got a wall mount TV.
It was quite expensive, but I am satisfied with it.

Q6. Which of the following is the most important factor you consider when buying a TV?
*Screen Size *Picture quality *Sound quality
I think the most important factor is the size of the screen.
When I buy a TV, I would first think about where to put it.
I always have a TV in the living room.
The living room is the biggest space in my house.
If I were to buy a TV, it should be big enough so that people sitting far away from the TV could see it too.

3. Imagine that a Canadian marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about gift cards.

Q4. When was the last time you gave a gift card as a gift to another person?
It was my friend's birthday yesterday.
I was too busy to go and see her.
So I sent her some flowers and a gift card as a present.
I felt bad about it, but I didn't have a choice.

Q5. If you received a gift card, which store would you want it to be from?
I would want it to be from a major shopping mall.
When I go there, I can easily find what I want among the many options.
It would be much easier to use the gift card.

Q6. Do you prefer to give a gift card rather than buying a gift for someone?
It depends on the situation.
If the person is very picky, I prefer to give a gift card.
I don't want to disappoint a friend.
I think that could be better for everyone.
But, if the person is not picky, I prefer to choose a gift by myself.
Is seems more sincere than just giving a gift card.
Moreover, I can show how I feel about the person.

4. Imagine that a Canadian marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in telephone interview about disposable items.

Q4. When do you usually use disposable items?
I use disposable items when I go on a picnic.
When you go on a picnic, it is not easy to wash the dishes.
So it is convenient to use disposable items.

Q5. What kind of disposable items do you most often use?
I think I use paper cups most often.
I drink at least a cup of coffee every day.
Most of the item, I have take-out coffee, so I can say that I use the paper cup at least once a day.

Q6. What is the advantage and disadvantage of using a disposable item?
There are many advantages and disadvantages of using a disposable items.
One advantage is that it is very convenient to carry them around when having an outdoor event.
When I use them I don't have to wash the dishes.
All I have to do is throw them away.
On the other hand, the disadvantage is that they are not good for the environment because they make a lot of trash afterwards.

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