2017년 2월 14일 화요일

[WR TASK2] #148 Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need.

Vocabulary Tip

Advertising describes the business of persuading people to buy things. Advertisement, and the abbreviations advert and ad, are used to refer to printed, audio of film products that are used to sell something, e.g. I saw a funny advertisement on TV. NOT I saw a funny advertising on TV. Commercial is only used for ads on radio or TV.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:
Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives.

Which viewpoint do you agree with?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model answer

The purpose of advertising is to tell the consumer about any new product or service or any new promotion on the existing product and service. We need it so we can make good decisions when we go shopping. Advertising tells us when new and improved products become available and lets us know which ones have the best price.
Through advertising we learn about new products. For example, many grocery stores now sell pre-packaged lunches. These are very convenient for busy parents. They can give these lunches to their children to take to school. Busy parents don’t have time to look at every item on the store shelf, so without advertising they might not know about such a convenient new product.
Even products we are familiar with may be improved, and advertising lets us know about this. Most people use cell phones, but new types of cell phone service become available all the time. There are different plans that give you more hours to talk on the phone, you can send text messages and photos, and next week probably some even newer type of service will be available. By watching advertisements on TV it is easy to find out about new improvements to all kinds of products.
Advertisements keep us informed about prices. Prices change all the time, but everyone can look at the ads in the newspaper and see what the latest prices are. Advertisements also inform us about sales. In fact, some people buy the newspaper only in order to check the prices and plan their weekly shopping.
Advertisements improve our lives by keeping us informed about the latest products developments and the best prices. Advertisements serve a useful purpose.
(281 words)

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